More about the Clairs

Hej Ya'll 

So.... everyone knows that we use our senses to connect with the world. The senses are feeling (taste and smell), seeing, hearing and thinking. We usually scan a new situation and determine if it is safe or to be considered dangerous. When it comes to inner senses- well, we use those to process energy- people usually feel good/bad vibes from something or someone almost immediately. The systems that pick up on these energies are our limbic, nervous and endocrine systems. These systems pick up on those energies before we are even aware of it. The four inner senses are:

  • Clairsentience "clear feeling"
  • Clairvoyance "clear seeing"
  • Clairaudience "clear hearing"
  • Claircognizance "clear thinking or knowing"
These are the difference parts that make up our intuition and the benefits according to the book are:
  • Having more confidence in your decisions
  • Trusting the answers you receive intuitively
  • Understanding and appreciating yourself

Now,  there is a physiological and energetic link with each Clair through the different chakras. There are seven major chakras named from top to bottom.
  • Crown
  • Third eye
  • Throat
  • Heart
  • Solar plexus
  • Sacral
  • Root
The chakras are the energy centers located all over our bodies and they both absorb and send out different vibrations. If one observes the energy systems each one could be seen rotating at different speeds according to the speed of its vibration. 
The chakras in the lower part of the body have the slowest vibration and each chakra has different corresponding colors.

The lower chakras are called the root (red), sacral (orange) and solar plexus (yellow). Each chakra has a specific location on the body and also corresponding issues that are related to each. According to Virtue, when the chakra systems are unbalanced, your life is unbalanced. 

So why is this important?

Well, since these systems are connected if you keep your chakras in balance then your Clairs are in balance and your intuition is improved and becomes more powerful. 

This is important to me because at my yoga studio we are taking the month of April to detox. A type of Spring cleaning of the soul, body and mind. Personally, I have experienced a re-balancing of my nervous system since changing environments. The first difference was that my appetite improved but I felt more tired than before and my workouts started to suffer in intensity. It was because my body needed to release and allow unconscious stress to come to the surface. This led to my body feeling stiff and achy and what I thought were cold/flu symptoms turned out to be suppressed emotions that I had not properly dealt with because I did not find myself in a safe environment to process those emotions. When my body sensed that the environmental changes were long-term and not just vacation it knew that it was time to get rid of the shit that was eating away at me for a very long time. So, it was time to return to yoga and meditation and face those emotions on the mat....and its working...but now I am sick again. This time legitimately virus sick something that I caught from either my child or from one of the hundreds of children that I meet everyday working as a "fröken". 

I can't ignore the lightness of being of that I feel and although I am feverish I feel better than I have in a very long time. The only answer is to commit to the lifestyle and feel good in my soul. Trust me, I'm not walking around not feeling anything but rainbows and bubble gum but when I find myself in a stressful situation or a challenging situation there is a inner peace that I have fought long and hard to achieve. 

There's no going back!

I'll continue tomorrow. 


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