How strong is your intuition, Doreen?

I am an intuitive person. If you don't believe me that's fine but if I met you I would know immediately if you are the type to be skeptical or not. 

Doreen Virtue ( yes, the Angel Lady) in her book Nutrition for Intuition referencing the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator writes that people are either naturally intuitive or sensory in nature. An intuitive person tends to read between the lines, look for signs and heed their inner signals when making decisions....hmmmm that feels about right for me. 

Doreen takes it one step farther and says that one's intuition are "whispers from God and the angels that you hear in moments of calmness and tranquility. I would agree with this completely and would add that personally to experience this disconnection from the Divine is extremely uncomfortable and unsettling for me to my core. I most often find myself disconnected from the Divine when I am exhibiting some type of shame based behavior and feel like I'm a sinner. However, I always return after I have punished myself for my mistakes to only hear the Divine didn't have to leave me because I never left you. I saw everything ....

Although I could write quite a few interesting tales about my waywardness...I am here to basically take notes on the connection between Intuition and Diet. It is the beginning of April and my yoga studio has started a detox theme so I decided to:

1. Quit drinking coffee

2. Nutrition for Intuition- read..I calculated that 209 pages in 30 days is like 6 pages per day....I have the time. 

I trust my intuition 110% I grew up in a quite spiritual household. I grew up learning about the Bible you know where people trusted their intuition like all the time. I learned and live in a foreign country ..for many years I had to use my intuition to read people because I didn't have full command of the language..although I have recently learned how to lie in Swedish just as well as in English...but that is about survival. I trust my gut ....and it has never led me astray..I got into trouble when I ignored it. 

Intuition is that soft quiet voice in your head that gives you great ideas or tells you to do a nice gesture for someone. If you need illustrations your intuition is the other  little angel who sits on your right or left shoulder that likes to hang out and fills you up with loving feelings about the small things ...its just a love frequency that just might suggest that don't talk to a certain person, leave at a certain time or buy that certain item. 

Doreen writes:

"Research has demonstrated that our palms begin to sweat when we're around something harsh or dangerous several minutes before our conscious minds can register the threat" 

"Similar studies find that our heart rate and blood pressure increase when people are directing negative thoughts our way"

Have you ever walked into a room and just feel how heavy the energy feels? Yuck! Unfortunately some people actually make me physically ill if I am close to them ..its true. I'm certain people find me just as off putting but none the less, it is what it is. 

Anyway, Doreen talks about how the "ancient brain" think caveman is hardwired to be intuitive in nature so the nervous system is linked to our intuition through the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and the adrenal glands...I'm not reading this book for you..If you want the breakdown read it yourself. Basically stress is bad and can kill you. 

So, by nutritionally supporting your intuition you are replenishing your nervous system.



I will continue with my breakdown tomorrow.. The four Clairs and the Chakra System


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