Surprise Visit

It has been so long since I have written anything that I feel that I have lost practice...what is this blog all about anyway? Its about my life in Sweden...right!  Ok....let me show you what has been going on..

Andrea and Mable meet for the first time
One random afternoon I get a message on Facebook that my dear friend Andrea (crazy Italian man) would be coming into town on business and wanted my address. Totally out of blue I realize that Andrea will be meeting my little Mable for the first time. I start to think, "how is this possible"? How can I have a friendship that I cherish so much and not meet with this person for years. Although in this particular case I did see Andrea last year...but before that we hadn't met for like eight years or something and we immediately clicked right back into gear. I have never met his children either and this friendship is not the only one of its kind for how do friendships like these withstand the test of time?

First, they have to be real friendships. Obviously, we were really close but I have lost a few along the way and its sad but oh, I don't know..I think Facebook is the answer. I have been able to watch children grow up through pictures and have shared holidays and birthdays and arrivals of new siblings through Facebook and for the others not on Facebook then just good old fashion cards and email and the occasional the phone call.

So what's the point with this post? True friendships never die? Everyone knows that but this picture is like proof that its true. One random afternoon I get a message on Facebook that my dear long lost friend was coming into town on business and he wanted my address and he finally got to meet my Mable, after all these years.  And on that day I didn't feel so far away from home.


  1. That really is something! I just can't hold on to people once I/they move. And FB doesn't help because I hate it. Good for you guys, though. :)

  2. Why do you hate FB? I struggle with Twitter actually..I talk to much and beat around the bush so being forced to get to the point is a pain. Are you working on your thesis over the summer or giving yourself some time off? Have you been to your cabin?


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