
Since starting my new internship, I have been considering either writing a journal to get my thoughts about work and life out of my head so I can think clearly or starting a private blog. I really love the fact that I am regularly posting messages. I have been relatively consistent and I fear losing contact with my readers. This blog has become a way for me address my fears of self expression. I have wanted to feel like I belong to something so long that I almost lost those things that make me special. This blog has been a way for me to say what I want and realize that no one is going to make big deal about it. In fact, I realize that some people actually think that what I have to say is important or funny or interesting. I have been worried about the wrong things. I value my opinions!! Good night readers.. Early day tomorrow, we start 8.30
Let me hear from you!!!


  1. I've struggled with this as well, but like I've decided to just go with it and not self-censor too much. I feel better that way because there are just some things that I just need to get out and I like doing so on my blog.


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